
Mulches in Bloom: Making the Right Choice for Summer

The fragrance of blooming flowers fills the air in Wilmington this May, signaling the imminent arrival of summer. With the rising temperatures and increased sunlight, gardens need an ally to retain their lush vibrancy, and that ally is mulch. At Mikes Mulch & Stone, found at 6512 Carolina Beach Rd, we’re advocates of timely mulching, especially as summer approaches.


The Power of Mulching in Summer

  1. Moisture Retention: Summer can be harsh, with its scorching sun potentially drying out the soil. Mulch acts as a shield, preserving soil moisture and ensuring plants stay hydrated.
  2. Temperature Control: By providing a protective layer, mulch helps maintain cooler soil temperatures, ensuring root systems aren’t stressed by excessive heat.
  3. Weed Deterrent: Sun-loving weeds are eager to claim their territory in summer. Mulch effectively suppresses these unwelcome guests, giving your plants room to flourish.


Picking the Perfect Mulch for Summer

  1. Organic Options: These mulches, such as wood chips, bark, or compost, decompose over time, enriching the soil with essential nutrients. As they degrade, they can also help improve soil structure, promoting better water retention.
  2. Inorganic Alternatives: Stone or gravel mulches can be particularly effective in areas prone to drought. While they don’t enrich the soil, they excel at moisture retention and can create stunning aesthetic contrasts in specific landscape designs.
  3. Color Matters: As aesthetics play a part in landscape design, consider the color of your mulch. Red or brown mulches can complement certain flowers or shrubs, while black or dark-colored mulches can help increase soil temperature, beneficial for warmth-loving plants.


May Mulching Tips with Mikes Mulch & Stone

  1. Depth is Essential: For optimal benefits, aim for a mulch layer of 2-4 inches. Remember, too thick a layer can hinder water and air penetration.
  2. Keep Clear of Stems: Ensure mulch isn’t piled directly against plant stems or tree trunks. This prevents potential rotting or pest infestations.
  3. Refresh and Renew: If you mulched in spring, consider a top-up or refresh as summer approaches to ensure the protective layer remains effective.


With summer’s glow on the horizon, arm your garden with the defenses it needs to thrive. Choosing the right mulch can make the difference between a stressed garden and a flourishing oasis.

Thinking of mulching this May? Pop over to Mikes Mulch & Stone at 6512 Carolina Beach Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412 or give us a call at 910-793-9111. Let’s create summer-ready landscapes together!